Appropriations Law and Year-End Spending Live Event

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Are you getting ready to close out your year-end spending?

If you’re a little vague on some of the finer points of appropriations law, watch our complimentary event Appropriations Law and Year-End Spending to learn or brush up on how to:

  • Determine considerations every federal employee should know for year-end spending
  • Avoid Antideficiency Act violations
  • Recognize the Bona Fide Needs Rule and primary exceptions
  • Establish a plan to maximize funding at year end

Anyone responsible for federally appropriated funding will benefit from training on legitimate spending to ensure you are good stewards of the public’s trust.

Steve Butler
Mr. Butler is a retired member of the Senior Executive Service and served in a wide variety of budget and accounting positions over his 32-year federal career to include CFO/Comptroller for six different organizations. Following his federal career, he was a professor of finance and accounting for a university in Illinois.